Our mouth is the fastest gateway to what gets into our body. Just like every other part of your body, what you eat has a great influence on what happens on the external parts of your body. The skin is a good reflection of that. For anyone to have a glowing and flawless skin, the first thing to start working on is what is consumed daily. Many are ignorant to the fact that a good nutrition is fundamental for a healthy skin.Here are items that could always enhance a radiant skin.
Vegetables: The nutrients and benefits packed in vegetables are such that nobody should overlook them. Eat lots of green vegetables like cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli and more. These vegetables not only keep you healthy but work on your skin from the inside, making it less stressful for you to work on the external part. Some of these vegetables even go a long way in fighting skin infections that may affect your skin. Try vegetable recipes, add them to your meals, and make them an everyday staple to get the desired skin.
Fruits: An apple a day keeps you away from the doctor.Having fruits daily keeps your skin fresh and glowing always. You might as well forget about tanning or toning because a fruit like carrot is a good natural agent that would do that without side effects.
Water: Water is life, no one is ignorant of the huge importance and benefi ts of water. Water is not only used to wash the skin but should be taken often. Water flushes the system and keeps the skin hydrated and fresh, hence making it look supple, smooth and shining. You can choose to add a slice of lemon or cucumber in the water to make it healthier.
One point to always note is that having your beauty sleep in the right amount of time daily can go a long way in enhancing your beauty from the inside.