How to Take Care of Yourself during the Monsoon

The rainy season is finally here and some of us must have already fallen sick due to the change of weather. Health issues are pretty common during monsoon. This season is perfect for bacteria and other infections to thrive and spread. The flowing water will make the bushes around our environment to grow really fast and thus the breeding of mosquitoes which causes malaria. 
But after a lot of trial and error, we have some tips for you on how to take care of yourself during this monsoon season.
1. Avoid Street Food
This tip is quite obvious and yet most people simply forget about and then keep guessing about their stomach infection! I get it, street food is tempting especially with those who really find it difficult to cook for themselves at home. But what is not tempting is the fact that it may carry a huge load of germs and bacteria which can give you food poisoning in no time. Since impure and contaminated water is the main source of pathogens, the food made with such water can cause discomfort. Diseases like diarrhea, cholera and stomach infections stay common but can be prevented with a little effort.
2. Don’t Let Water Get Accumulated
This is the most suitable season for mosquitoes to breed. Fevers like Dengue and malaria are spread by mosquitoes which breed in fresh and stagnant water. During this season, you will find several places where rain water has accumulated. Do not let that happen. Cover the buckets in your bathrooms and remove water from any other objects. Check for leakage and water logging in your house. You can also use mosquito/bug repellent sprays which prove to be very effective. Make sure you also clear the bushes round your house.
3. Watch Out For Skin Infections
Troubling skin conditions are quite common during the rainy season. This is because of rapid growth of bacteria and fungus. Have you seen those wonderful and over excited people who think that jumping into rain-water puddles is a good idea? Yes, those are the people who end up getting skin infections like lesions and boils! Not to forget, a fungal infection is usually contagious. So, avoid getting wet in the rain and if at all you do, then make sure to have a bath immediately after. You can add antiseptic liquids like Dettol to your bathing water to get rid of the germs.
4. Don’t Wear Too Much Makeup
Most girls do not pay attention to the fact that the weather changes quite a lot during the monsoon and that means they need to make some changes in their makeup routine as well. Our skin tends to get oily because of the humidity and is a lot more vulnerable to breakouts. It is best to avoid wearing heavy makeup which can clog up your pores which are already filled with oil. Blackheads and whiteheads are also quite common beauty issues. To avoid these, make sure your skin is hydrated and clean.
5. Try the Good Old Remedies
Most health problems which we face during the rainy season can be easily treated using home remedies. For treating skin infections, boil Neem leaves in water and make a concentrate. Mix this with your bathing water and watch your troubles disappear. Have ginger tea missed with honey to cure a sore throat. Consume food rich in vitamin C to fight viral infections and heal faster.
6. Keep Your Surroundings Humidity Free
This is very important. You must have often noticed that clothes and books begin to stink of moisture due to the rain. It can be tackled by dropping packets of silica gel in your cupboard compartments and shelves. You can get the tiny sachets at cheap prices in most stores. These packets are non-toxic in nature. Keep your homes ventilated. You can also use rock salt as a moisture absorbent. It is a cheaper alternative to the de-humidifiers. To get rid of the stink on the clothes, keep them out in sunlight whenever you can.
7. Keep Yourself Protected
This tip involves, making sure that you go out well protected. Wear raincoats to avoid getting wet. If you do not fancy those then carry an umbrella at least! Wear clothes made of cotton so that if you happen to get wet, then your clothes will dry out faster. Avoid wearing synthetic clothing as they will stick to your skin. If your clothes are damp then do not enter air conditioned environments immediately as that will cause a sudden temperature difference in your body and lower your immunity.
There you are, when you follow these simples tips you will definitely have a hitch free and healthy rainy season.

Pupwaya Timothy Dibal