What men/women look for when they cheat

To cheat is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. Back then, cheating was defined only as a physical affair in which two people engaged in sexual activities outside their primary relationship.  Today, there are various definitions of cheating, ranging from emotional to physical and steps in between.
The question now is, why do people in a relationship cheat? Every man or woman has a lot of different reasons why they cheat when they are married or dating someone else. They cheat maybe they are looking for a small bit of solace after enduring a painful relationship, maybe he/she is self centered, or maybe just for the fun of it or maybe the person cheating is a sad person who wants to hurt someone because he or she was once hurt. But all these reasons doesn’t justify the fact that you have to cheat. If you feel that you are no longer happy then save yourself the stress of cheating and just end it.
Should you be concerned that your partner or spouse is cheating, here’s what you should know. The truth is, there’s never one reason why men/women strays in a relationship. Men/women are complicated creatures with a multitude of reasons for doing what they do.
Below are some of the reasons why men/women cheat
We all love to be appreciated by people who are dear to us. Even children love it when their parents appreciate them for a good job done. Now, being in a relationship and your spouse/partner hardly appreciate you, then there is every tendency that the other partner who doesn’t feel appreciated will cheat.
There’s been a breakdown in communication
When both partners don’t communication well in their relationship then cheating might arise. Maybe the man or woman has been trying hard to communicate with the other but it doesn’t yield any results.  Then the other might look else where to get that lost communication in his/her relationship. Communication is one of the most vital key to a long lasting relationship. If you want to be happy then you have to communicate with your spouse/partner.
Speaking of fun activities, a marriage with sex and more of it can lead to cheating.  Sex is a way that a man and woman feel more connected to each other. Lack of it will push your partner away from you. Maybe you are constantly in the habit of always finding excuse when your partner want get intimate with you, don’t complain when he/she starts cheating just to get sex elsewhere.
Lack of care
When you show that you don’t care about your spouse/partner wellbeing then you are pushing him/her away. It’s important after a hard day job that you ask your partner how was his/her day. It will make them feel wanted and love.

Pupwaya Timothy Dibal