7 things women do which scares men

Relationships include certain things which are scary indeed but sometimes, we do certain things which add to the dread.

Relationships aren't easy and there are quite a few scary things about it but sometimes, we do certain things or act in certain ways which unnecessarily adds pressure to the relationship. There are, therefore, certain things which can be avoided so as not to scare each other.
There are certain things which women do in a relationship which does scare a man. This is not to say that all women do it all the time and that every man is scared but that these occurrences do happen and you never know when the guy gets cold feet.
1. Comparing him with your ex
Your ex may have been an a-hole or a saint but the fact is he is not with you now, your current boyfriend is. He is in your present and most probably be with you in the future, comparing him with your past is never welcome.
Not only this comparison makes him feel less wanted but it stops you from moving on completely and enjoying the brightness that he is trying to bring in your life. Comparing him to your Ex undermines his presence in your life and no man feels comfortable in such a situation.
2. Monitoring his friend circle
It is one thing trying to get to know his friends, trying to hang out with them and being a part of his other circle but something quite another to monitor them. By monitoring, we mean judging and forbidding a few of them.
Quite often it would happen that one of his friends would not be up to your taste. They may not fit well with you and you may hate that he hangs out with them. But they are his friends and forbidding him to meet any one of them on such assumptions is scary for the man. You need not accept them but you need not judge them either.
3. Asking him to change his status online
You may have been going out for some time and you notice that his Facebook status still says single. You may have both felt the closeness and do feel that there may be a future together. But then why hasn't he changed his relationship status?
While it may seem like a trivial thing to you, and it may be a trivial thing indeed, there's really no need for him to change his relationship status. Your closeness is not defined by online validation and asking him to change it may just add unwanted pressure about the relationship.
4. Demanding too many clicks for social media
Social media has pervaded our lives to such extremes that the online validation can, in fact, have a profound effect on your emotion. Your need for acceptance by others may compel you to spend a lot of your time online and you may keep asking him for more clicks.
While asking for a lot of clicks together is not a big deal, the pictures you have together are meant to be personal. He would rather have pictures with you which remain between the two of you than having them splashed all over social media.
5. Comparing with other couples
You, as a couple, are different from other couples. You have your own attitudes, your own styles, and your own way of being together. Different couples adjust to each other differently and they are completely different from each other.
Never compare yourself with other couples. It does not make sense. There is no parameter to compare and such comparisons just destroy the things which you share together. Comparing yourself to another couple is not only useless but an active undermining of your own relationship.
6. Interrogations
Your boyfriend may have his own way of living his life and you two may be trying to find ways of adjusting with each other. There are, of course, things he may do or the way he lives that you may not be too sure about.
Interrogating him about things never helps. Discuss things with him in a way that seems friendly but do not try intimidating him. Interrogation techniques are meant for prisons and not relationships. Discuss, don't argue.
7. Flipping out the marriage question
You may be at a point where the question of marriage seems obvious to you but he might not be there yet. And even when he is sure of his future with you, he may not be ready to propose, just yet. His idea of marriage may still need some time to mature.
Do not ask him why he hasn't proposed yet. Do not add that extra layer of complexity but let him come to the conclusion himself. If your relationship is as strong from both ends then he would ask you, sooner than later.