Your intelligence might be the reason you are single

It is hard for people who are really smart to find love easily and that is the reason that they remain single for so long.

Being single can be incredibly fun if you know how to make the best of it. It can be one of the best phases of your life and you can truly explore the multiple things that life has to offer and also get to know yourself so much better.

Being single, however, does not mean that you are lonely. It is the phase of your life which you deserve to spend alone to understand your own inner thoughts, your own sense of purpose, and to understand who you wish to be as a person.

That being said, sometimes, you stay single for a long period of time not because of lack of trying but simply because you haven't found the ideal person you would like to be with. You don't feel attached to the current potential dates as you feel there's someone more special about to come in your life. 

One of the biggest reasons that we feel this way and we don't get involved with someone for a long time is our intelligence. It has been observed that the smarter you are, the more time you take to find the right one and it is also harder for you to find true love. The following reasons would explain why.

1. Intelligent people are self-aware

Intelligent people are highly self-aware. They know who they are, what they like, and what they dislike. They understand what turns them off and what makes them click. They know exactly what gets them attracted towards others.
Being self-aware also means that they simply cannot be with anyone. They need to be with people who are equally self-aware so that the relationship is on an equal footing. An intelligent person would hate to be with someone who gets mad about the trivial things.

2. Intelligent people have certain specific requirements

Intelligent people have certain requirements which they need in their partners. While it is true for most of us, intelligent people can get stuck up with their requirements and they simply won't entertain those who don't fulfill those requirements.
These specific requirements could be anything based on the person's preference but the fact is that if they don't find their partners in a certain way, they would rather not be with them. But it is also true that they accept these requirements themselves too. If they don't match someone else's criteria, they would bow away themselves too. 

3. Not everyone can match them on an intellectual level

Intellectual compatibility is one of the essential requirements of any relationship. Talking, discussing, and exploring new ideas constitutes a large part of any relationship and it is extremely important that the couple is on the same page, intellectually.
It is, therefore, difficult to find someone who is on the same intellectual level as you. There may be a lot of attractive people out there but finding someone who is intellectually compatible could be extremely difficult. Needless to say, it takes a long time to find that person.

4. Intelligent people get bored easily and need constant stimulation

One of the problems that intelligent people face is that they get bored quite easily. They simply lose interest once they have understood and analyzed the thing at hand. It is in their nature to explore further and they need a constant stream of new ideas to think about.
This means that the partner needs to be equally alert and creative as you yourself are. Your intelligence would require a match and if your partner can be a regular source of new ideas which you can explore with them then you are set for life.

5. Intelligence can be a burden

Intelligence also comes with its drawbacks. Intelligent people tend to think a lot, spend a lot of time alone with their thoughts, and they sometimes get emotionally drained thinking about random things.
Not everyone can cope with a person who acts this way. Only a partner who understand the needs of an intelligent person can give them the time and the space they need for their mental well-being. Finding a person who understands this could be quite a task.

6. Intelligent people see through others BullS**t

Last but not the least, intelligent people have a way to see through other people's BullS**t. They know when they are being swindled and they understand when they are being lied to. They, therefore, need honesty in their lives and that is what they appreciate.
Most people, however, do not show this level of honesty and tend to lie even about the most trivial things. Needless to say, an intelligent person can see through the lies and they feel annoyed by the behavior. It takes time for them, therefore, to find the perfect one. Until then, they rock the single life.